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有人在Quake III的源代码里面发现这么一段用来求平方根的代码:

float Q_rsqrt( float number )
	long i;
	float x2, y;
	const float threehalfs = 1.5F;
	x2 = number * 0.5F;
	y  = number;
	i  = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
	i  = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
	y  = * ( float * ) &i;
	y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
//	y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y ...